Ten Boy Names:
-Nelson (As in Willie N.)
-Mufasa (Anne Loves the Lion King)
-Scout (can be a girl's name too)
-J.E.B. (just take the william out of J's name and replace is with our granddaddy's name)
-Jahbarius (Jah-Bar-I-Us. stole that one from j. sturtz)
-Johnquannis (my black friend Martin came up with that one)
-Sebastian (we can call him SeaBass)
Ten Girl Names:
-Harriet (after uncle Harry)
-Jamie Olivia (after me, uncle James)
-Mavis (I really want that for my next f. dog but if you must have it then ask)
-Takeela (pronounced Tequila)
I hope I don't get left out of this child's life :)