Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So I really suck at blogging

I just don't have time and my only two followers are my sister and fiancee. Maybe with a NEW YEAR I'll start blogging more

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What's in a Name?

So my brother John and his wonderful wife Anne are expecting their first child in March of 2K10. It's is a very exciting time for all our families and for the first time in my life I will not be the youngest Brent in the family. They have no idea what the sex is, nor have they picked out a name (best of my knowledge). So I figured I could help out with some names that I think would be good choices. Some of these names come from a list I made of potential dog names, but I would first need a yard, then a dog. So if they want to steal one of my dog names, thats cool.
Ten Boy Names:
-Nelson (As in Willie N.)
-Mufasa (Anne Loves the Lion King)
-Scout (can be a girl's name too)
-J.E.B. (just take the william out of J's name and replace is with our granddaddy's name)
-Jahbarius (Jah-Bar-I-Us. stole that one from j. sturtz)
-Johnquannis (my black friend Martin came up with that one)
-Sebastian (we can call him SeaBass)

Ten Girl Names:
-Harriet (after uncle Harry)
-Jamie Olivia (after me, uncle James)
-Mavis (I really want that for my next f. dog but if you must have it then ask)
-Takeela (pronounced Tequila)

I hope I don't get left out of this child's life :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Would-Be Criminals

Ok so the title might be a little harsh. I was woken up by the panic voice of my girlfriend at 5am. "Someone is breaking into my car!" Indeed, a car alarm had gone off 5 minutes earlier and I thought little of it. "DO SOMETHING!" Now, this alarm did not seem to sound like it was coming from a little VW, but that didn't matter. I looked out the window, saw movement at the other end of the complex, and a sketchy car drove out. (Side Note: Our gate is broken and so the gate has been left open) The grogginess quickly wore off and I got my clothes on grabbed a 20gage ran down stairs. I figured I would jump into my car because I didn't grab any shells and I could hit them with my trusty Pathfinder. The shotgun was for intimidation. Drove out to the car, saw no people, all the windows were intact and the doors were locked. Now I am pumped full of adrenaline and can't fall back asleep.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I have lots of Heroes. I'd say my biggest hero is my father. He does one thing and he does it better than anyone I know. He works Hard, with a capital H. He put himself through college; join the Corps when our country needed him most. Has been a devoted husband and father for all the time I've known him; raising three Christ loving/God fearing children and is currently the grandfather of two handsome grandsons. He knew how to encourage each of his children in the way that worked best for us. The times that I felt farthest from him were the times he loved me most. He taught me never to judge any one, that's what God is for. He has had his moments when one would think other wise but deep inside he humbles himself below all others. I could go on about all the reasons why he is my hero but it would become repetitive. I think you get the idea. I didn't want this blog to have too much personal stuff. I wanted it to be more witty and satirical but I felt the need to talk write this.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Drinking Through The Recession

In light of the recent developments in the economy (world wide) I have had to make some drastic changes in my day to day habits. For instance I only buy the the store brand TP and mouth wash, and I can't tell the difference in mouth washes. So that I can save a few copper Abrahams I've changed my consumption habits. For anyone who calls themselves  a drunk and not an alcoholic, might i make some suggestions.
ok i don't know how to put videos up. I'll just copy and paste and assume you know what to do.
How this next one ever made it on TV boggles my mind. A different time I guess
I could spend all day watching these commercials but I think you get the point.